Febrary 2022 Newsletter
Curated Moses Project Resources to Explore
Director, Dr. Trisha Wheelock
The Moses Project has been hard at work creating ministry resources. From articles, to blogs, to podcasts, to spiritual practice reflections, we have useful tools to guide you in rural ministry. We are a small program, serving pastors in small places, but we're having a BIG impact.
Check out our Moses Project resources by clicking on the links below. You can also find pieces by Moses Project exemplars including Rev. Dr. Leah Schade, Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell, Rev. Dr. Yolanda Pierce, Rev. Dr. Richard Lischer, Rev. Dr. Tod Bolsinger, and many more.
Articles by Rev. Dr. Ken Jones: Check out these pieces by Rev. Dr. Ken Jones, a Moses Project collaborator and friend, on the post-pandemic church and preaching for Jesus' sake.
Podcasts: Listen to podcasts with Moses Project pastors and mentors as we discuss the joys, the difficulties, and the outright hilarious moments of serving in ministry.
Rev. Sarah Ciavarri --Reflect as Sarah talks about leadership and the traps ministry leaders fall into.
Revs. Laura and Dan Overbo--Connect and laugh with Dan and Laura as they recount serving as co-pastors. You'll also hear one of the funniest/most awkward funeral moments.
Rev. Scotty Ray--Relate to this Nebraska pastor as he discusses the joys of serving a rural congregation and find out why he's called the "Mouth from the South."
Blogs from notable exemplars: ​
​Dr. Tod Bolsinger once again joined us as a Fall exemplar to talk about Adaptive Leadership. He also wrote an article exclusively for the Moses Project about Mickey Mouse and resilient leadership.
The Rev. Dr. Leah Schade again served as an exemplar and facilitated conversation on conflict and how to preach in the "purple zone." She wrote an article for the Moses Project on preparing your congregation for sermons on social issues.
The Rev. Dr. Angela Gorrell of Baylor University joined us for the first time this last fall to discuss her book The Gravity of Joy. Her module referencing the topic of joy of was timely as it coincided with All Saints Sunday. We discussed finding joy in the midst of sorrow. Read her article called Don't Put Joy on Your To Do List.
The Rev. Dr. Yolanda Pierce, Dean of Howard Divinity School, joined us via Zoom at our Kick Off Event in August to discuss call and the importance of hearing stories. Click here to read her article.
Rev. Nancy Nyland and Revs. Sheryl Kester Beyer and Chris Kester Beyer joined us as a panel to discuss finding satisfaction and maintaining sustainability in ministry. Click here to read Rev. Chris Kester Beyer's reflection on the three words that helped carry out his ministry. His partner, Rev. Sheryl Kester-Beyer also wrote a piece on her 35 years in ministry and what she's learned. Click here to read more from Rev. Sheryl.

Explore Rev. Andrea Severson's blog posts (Moses Project Chaplain) on Gratitude, Advent and Stress. You can also read her short, spiritual practice pieces by clicking on the topic. This material is part of the monthly Moses Project curriculum and includes spiritual practice exercises for pastors individually and in congregational settings. The spiritual practices include: Lecto Divinia, Gratitude, Silence and Contemplative Prayer, Praying with Psalms, Practicing Presence, Sabbath-Keeping, Giving and Receiving Compassion.