November 2020 Newsletter
Meet our Moses Project Mentors
Director, Dr. Trisha Wheelock

Rev. Bob Chell
My first call was in Orient & Faulkton SD serving a two point parish. From there I went to the University of SD where I earned a Masters in Counseling. Following that I served as a campus pastor in Marshall, MN, Harrisonburg, VA and Brookings, SD. I ended my career serving as Pastor of St. Dysmas Lutheran located behind the walls of the SD State Penitentiary. I retired in August 2017 and now provide pastoral care for First Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls for about 10 hours a week. I am married to Carole who is a retired Nurse Practitioner. We have two adult children. Dan works for Strider Bikes in Rapid City, SD and Margaret is a Peace Corp volunteer in Guinea, Africa. I am excited to be a part of the Moses project and honored to serve as a mentor. One of the great privileges of being a pastor is when others honor you with their trust. I cherish this trust and cherish this opportunity to work with pastors.
Rev. Sarah Ciavarri
Rev. Sarah Ciavarri, M.Div, PCC, CDWF-C, CDTLF loves seeing leaders get excited about their lives, callings, and futures. Sarah is a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator-Consultant, Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator, a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and is trained in Healthy Congregations. For seven years Sarah has traveled nationally keynoting and facilitating workshops on resiliency, vulnerability, and shame. Sarah has the unique honor of being an ordained clergy member serving as in a leadership position with the Daring Way™ as a consultant, coaching candidates through the steps of certification. She has received numerous grants recognizing her work exploring shame and vulnerability in church contexts. Sarah is currently writing a book on authenticity in leadership. Sarah has been the Director of Spiritual Care at Augustana Care in Apple Valley, MN for over ten years, having earned four units (1600 hours) of Clinical Pastoral Education. She is a graduate of Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN where she was a Presidential Scholar. Fortress Press recently published her book, Finding Our Way to the Truth.
Rev. Steve Peterson
Pastor Steve Peterson has been involved in ordained pastoral ministry for 40 years in Minnesota and South Dakota, serving as pastor of congregations, director of a collaborative ministry of mostly small, rural congregations, a camp director, an assistant to the bishop and is now serving in his third congregation as an interim pastor. He enjoys variety in ministry, an action and contemplation approach to ministry, almost all kinds of music (listening and playing guitar), being outdoors (camping, hiking, biking, sitting, eating), sports, reading, spending time with friends and family, beer, humor, food and exploring. He and his wife of 40 years, Enid, have a daughter and son-in law in San Diego (a granddaughter due in mid-August 2020) and a son in St. Paul. Steve and Enid currently live in Moorhead, MN.
Rev. Nicole Woodley
Originally from Newton Iowa, Nicole graduated from Simpson college with a degree in Biology, and received her Masters of Divinity from Duke Divinity School. Nicole's ministry experiences include working in Iowa, North Carolina, Mississippi and Minnesota and range from urban to rural and anything in between. After serving in many different places, she finds herself completely at home in Wright County IA, where her husband, Pastor Grant, was born and raised. Nicole loves working as a co-pastor with her husband, Grant at First Lutheran in Clarion and working on the Woodley family farm. She has a passion to help all ages grow in their relationship with God and see where the Spirit is at work. Nicole loves being a wife, a biological and adoptive mom of three, a foster mom, a pastor and a farmer. She loves to cook and clean (good thing!), listen to music, garden, drive tractors and tend the animals.