June 2022 Newsletter
Be Inspired! Moses Project Resources to Explore
Director, Dr. Trisha Wheelock
We are very proud of the resources the Moses Project continues to produce in collaboration with stellar partners. Check out a recent article in Duke’s Leadership Education written by Moses Project director Dr. Trisha Wheelock and Manager Rev. Dr. Russ Lackey on rural ministry and mental health. The articles features Moses alumnus Rev. Stephen Zeller and exemplar Rev. Grant Woodley.
Be Inspired!
In case you missed it, check out these Resources from our Moses Project collaborators.

Explore Rev. Andrea Severson's blog posts (Moses Project Chaplain) on "Enoughness", Gratitude, and Stress. You can also read her short, spiritual practice pieces by clicking on the topic. This material is part of the monthly Moses Project curriculum and includes spiritual practice exercises for pastors individually and in congregational settings. The spiritual practices include: Lecto Divinia, Gratitude, Silence and Contemplative Prayer, Praying with Psalms, Practicing Presence, Sabbath-Keeping, Giving and Receiving Compassion.

Dr. Jessica Young Brown served as the keynote speaker at the May Program Celebration and wrote a recent article for the Moses Project entitled "Flourishing is an Invitation to Run our Race and Only Ours." A University professor and licensed psychologist, Dr. Brown encouraged pastors to set boundaries and care for themselves so they could continue to care for their congregations.

The Moses Project just started a blog series featuring Rural Pastors who have participated in the program called, "I am a Rural Pastor." Pastors share their experiences in rural ministry along with their advice and why they think RURAL is the place to be! So far we have featured Rev. Scott Dalen of Underwood, IA and Rev. Russ Lambert of Turtle Lake, ND. Next up will be Rev. Brooke Apple Phelps of Hoople, ND. Stay tuned for more pastors in the series.

One of our most recent popular blogs was written by Rev. Grant Woodley. He and his spouse Rev. Nicole Woodley both served as exemplars on the topic of Traditioned Innovation: Think Like a Farmer. Grant wrote an article entitled "A Farmers Take on the Parable of the Soils." Check it out!